
Fidelity Bonds.

Fidelity bonds are written to safeguard employers against employee dishonesty and theft and to cover employee retirement accounts against trustee dishonesty and theft.

Employee dishonesty/theft is covered by crime coverages and deals with issues such as standard employee theft, computer and funds transfer fraud, depositors forgery, money orders and counterfeit currency, and more.

The employee retirement coverage is covered by ERISA bond coverages. This is designed specifically for the required coverage of trustees of employee retirement accounts as set for the by the Employees Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. Most plans are required to have a bond in an amount that will cover at least 10% of the total plan assets.

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We can work with you on both types of fidelity bonds. We’ll walk you through the process, every step of the way, to make sure you are taken care of.

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